numerical table

英 [njuːˈmerɪkl ˈteɪbl] 美 [nuːˈmerɪkl ˈteɪbl]

网络  数表



  1. Measures are the numerical values contained in the cube cells. Measures are created from the numerical columns of the cube's fact table.
  2. Hybrid Position/ Force Intelligent Control of X-Y Numerical Control Table
  3. A measuring system of sensor, single chip microcomputer, data acquisition and display is set up to compensate orientation error in numerical control machine tool rotary table.
  4. Simulation of Earthquake Motion Based on Spatial Variable Effects and Seismic Response of Suspension Bridge; Numerical Simulation of Shaking Table Substructure Testing
  5. Study on Model Identification and Force/ Position Control of X-Y Numerical Table
  6. Research on Generating Conjugate Shapes Using Cubic Spline Functions The engine output torque model and oil consumption model are given in numerical table by cubic spline interpolation to fit engine test result.
  7. Close Loop Control System in the Economic Type Numerical Controlled ( NC) Woring Table
  8. To build empirical formula by numerical table, traditionally value-inserting function or curve fitting is used, but both methods are complicated.
  9. A new method of building empirical formulae by numerical table
  10. The numerical results were obtained in a table by solving the combined equation of transmission line impedance transfer equation and terminal input impedance expression in gas capacitance.
  11. Numerical simulation of shaking table test on pipelines buried in saturated sand foundation
  12. Numerical simulation of shaking table and its application to Longjiang Arch Dam
  13. Research of concentrated numerical control for multiple slide table
  14. In this paper, Dynamic numerical analysis and shaking table test research of the Century Tower are carried out respectively.
  15. Then a numerical model for groundwater table forecast was developed.
  16. Site index table is the basic numerical table for evaluation of site quality of stand.
  17. Numerical modeling of groundwater table fluctuations due to spring-neap tides in a coastal unconfined aquifer
  18. Numerical simulation of solidification for working table casting has been carried on by finite element method. Transient temperature distribution and temperature gradient distribution contours are obtained.
  19. T-the numerical table giving P-values, cumulative probabilities of the P-ⅲ distribution according to given Cs and φ-values, standardized variables of the sample data, x's.
  20. It was found, from both numerical analysis and shake table testing, that the isolation effectiveness offered by the SR bearings to earthquake inputs is strongly dependent on the type of earthquake motion.
  21. Development and Research on the System Software of Microcomputer Numerical Control AC Servo X-Y Table
  22. Numerical simulations of the centrifuge shaking table tests were conducted using the dynamic response method based on equivalent viscoelasticity model with residual deformation treatment.
  23. Therefore, As far as the numerical control machine tool table position control system is concerned, the effect of the phase plane partition nine-state controller is best.
  24. And the high accuracy numerical control linkage rotary table is one of multiple spindle linkage numerical-control machine tool key components.
  25. ⑵ Through the research, one kind of new digital actuation controlled valve has been designed. And it provides the condition for the high accuracy numerical control linkage rotary table.
  26. Numerical control ( NC) table is one of the most important assemblies in multiaxial linkage NC machine.
  27. Using numerical simulation and large shaking table test to analyse the acceleration dynamic response, the dynamic soil pressure, and the evolution trend of plastic zone of the steep bedding rock slope.
  28. Then, we have set up the numerical model of shaking table test for the single pile, pile group and the corresponding dynamic p-y curve. Finally, we have analyzed that the different factors may have an effect on characteristic of dynamic p-y curve.
  29. ⑶ Combine the fuzzy theory and the PID control method organic. Discussing control tactics of the high accuracy numerical control linkage rotary table, which has laid a good foundation for the following implementation circuit design.
  30. A hierarchical background model based on kernel density estimation was proposed and a gauss function numerical table was previously created. In the detection step, the probability of the pixel was obtained by look-up table and Gaussian pyramid was built to remove false foreground.